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Leadership Series Session 1: Transforming Public Safety Leadership in a VUCA World (


Webinar Recordings

The below webinars are currently available. We organize them based on the topic discussed. You will quickly see we have a comprehensive library on-demand 24/7. Additional details below.

  1. Only IPSA Associate and Active Members are permitted to access webinar recordings. Not an Associate or Active Member? Click here to join.
  2. Associate & Active Level Members, click here to access all webinars; they're on a password-protected membership page.
  3. FAQ: Why are some webinars available publicly and others are not? When we are fortunate to have a sponsor underwrite the webinar, we are able to make it FREE to everyone. 
  4. FAQ: How do I sponsor a webinar? Click here to learn more.

911 Telecommunications

New 911 Technology Reduces Response Times and Improves Situational Awareness for First Responders

9-1-1: Sticking together in the critical hours

The Critical Role of a 911 Dispatcher within a Hostage Negotiation Team

Who does 911 call when they need help? Leveraging aid from private and government resources you don’t ordinarily use

How to prepare the PSAP for Natural or Man-Made Disasters

Active Shooter, Hostile Events & MCIs

Active Shooter/violent intruder response in a healthcare or social service setting

Active Shooter Intruder Response for Houses of Worship

Fire suppression during an active shooter, violent incident

Organized Response to Mass Casualty/Active Shooter Incidents: Leading Practices from Ventura County, California

Active Shooter Extended Response - Exploring Reunification and Family Assistance Post-Event

Training Incident Commanders about RTF: How 4 large agencies unified their ASHER training for front-line Incident Commanders

Lessons Learned from Active Shooter/Hostile Events


Suicide by Cop: Incident Management Tactics for Safe Resolution

Disasters: Planning, Response, Recovery

North Bay Wildfires: Lessons from the Most Destructive Fires in California History

What emergency responders need to know about continuity of operations (and why they should care)

How to prepare the PSAP for Natural or Man-Made Disasters


IPSA Leadership Webinar Series: Transforming Public Safety Leadership in a VUCA World

Session 1: April 25, 2024 

Session 2: May 2, 2024 

Session 3: May 9, 2024

Session 4: May 23, 2024

Session 5: June 6, 2024

Procedural Justice: Respect, Transparency and Neutrality while Giving People a Voice

Preparing for a line of duty death: What you need to do in the first 24hrs and weeks that follow

Leadership 101 – Role of the First Line Supervisor

Enhancing Leadership Skills: Tips and Strategies for Public Safety Officials

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving for Effective Decision Making

Creating and Managing Organizational Change

Grant Writing 101

Public Safety Project Management 101

Mental Health & Wellness

What firefighters need to know about fatigue on and off-duty

Leading practices from Los Angeles County: Innovative strategies for Veteran crisis intervention & suicide prevention

Organizational change leadership and mental health: What all public safety professionals need to know

9-1-1: Sticking together in the critical hours

First Responder Stress and Metabolic Dysfunction

Exercise and the Brain: Benefits for First Responders

International Panel on First Responder and Veteran Wellness

The FirstNet Health and Wellness Coalition: A Strategic Approach to Addressing First Responder Health and Wellness

The Trifecta Approach to Trauma Treatment, Post Traumatic Growth and Resilience

Officer Safety and Wellness...Innovative Approach Leverages Technology to Help 24/7

A Personal Story: Surviving the Service

Peer-to-peer presentation: First responder mental health and wellness issues

Surviving the Service: First Responder Health Risks

First to Respond, Last to Seek Help: Post-Traumatic Stress Injuries, Self-Medicating to Cope and Resiliency

Cumulative stress: What is it and how to safely manage it in law enforcement

Catch Them Before They Fall: Preventing Suicide through Early Identification of Distress

Stop the Bleed

Stop the Bleed Panel

Why public safety, citizens need Stop the Bleed training from a trauma surgeon's perspective

Becoming a resilient bleed safe community: How to train citizens, first responders to stop the bleed


Modernize and Streamline Your Fleet Using Vehicle Telematics, Two-way Communication and Accident Reconstruction

Achieving CJIS compliance with smartphones and tablets: What you need to know

New 911 Technology Reduces Response Times and Improves Situational Awareness for First Responders

Officer Safety and Wellness...Innovative Approach Leverages Technology to Help 24/7

Connected Officers: Increasing situational awareness and improving officer safety with smartphones

How first responders can reduce drug diversion risks

Paradigm Shift: A Mobility First Approach Provides Powerful New Capabilities

How emerging technologies are impacting the public safety mission (and why you should care)

When safety matters most: Using HD aerial imagery for emergency & event planning


How to Start a TEMS Program

TEMS 101 Panel: Q+A Discussion

TEMS Scope of Practice and Policy Considerations Panel

TEMS Remote Medical Assessment & Surrogate Medical Care

K9 Medicine - Prehospital emergency medicine for Police Service Dogs

TEMS 101


20 years post-9/11: Crisis management lessons learned from the horrific events at Ground Zero

Demystifying Terrorism 101

Preparing First Responders for a Complex Coordinated Attack

Jihad as Terrorism


How to successfully launch a new public safety UAS program

Tactical use of UAS: Tips and lessons learned for public safety

How UAS/drones can improve scene safety and situational awareness

What public safety needs to know about thermal imaging for UAS

Public safety drone programs: A multidiscipline approach

DFR: How public safety can leverage drones for any type of incident

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